Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Right now, I am standing here, which shows a truth: We Chinese can get the Nobel Prize of Literature. It also tells that Chinese is one of the beautiful language in the world. Of course to me, it is the most one.
As you have already known, my work is about the massacre in Nanjing of China in 1930s during the World War II. In the mean time, it shows how a Chinese student realized that he should be not hostile to those Japanese people but peacefully get along with them. Of course, the main idea of the novel is something about forgiving and peace…
Wait a moment, what is this above? It is my dream for the future, and maybe ten years later, it will come true.
在这篇文章的下方,我写下了“Sorry for my poor English”的“辩护”。或许正是因为这篇文章,让我看到了两国教育的一个小小的差异——在美国人眼中,似乎没有“糟糕透了”,而只有“精彩极了”。正面的肯定和鼓励,带给学生的不仅仅是骄傲。
其实这次的expo学到一些在学校里可能永远都不会学到的一些小“tips”,比如在写essay的时候,要尽量避免缩写,诸如I’m,it’s,最好使用I am,it is来代替。